Station Desk Design

Hello all I am creating this thread for getting your input and help in designing our desk for the amateur radio station. I would like to start by saying the committee has already approved funds to buy the supplies for this desk and we just need to design it so I can start building it with anyone helping if they wish.

We already discussed the following being included in the design which I will try and rough sketch tonight and post with dimensions.

-Clear desk space with radios and accessories being mounted in shelves above the desk space.
-RFID secured door covering the shelves and possibly the open desk space to prevent unauthorized use of the station.
-Power strip being built in to allow rapid access power for standard 110 power
-Power port/strip using power poles as the supply port for quick connect of personal radios and equipment
-Antenna port/strip to allow for easy access to connect personal radios so you can use the stations antennas
-Coax run that can be run outside for antenna classes or testing without having to go up on the roof to set it up.
-Built in LED desk lamps for visibility and low light operations to ease eye strain

What Else Guys and Gals?


For the secured door I would suggest either a roll top design or the one where the doors slide back into the cabinet when open to keep them out of the way when operating.

example door hardware

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That is the plan, up and back so it goes out of the way.

Ok so here is what I have sketched so far. Sorry for the crudeness this was a quick sketch on paper just to get input before I put some real time into it. Hey @frank_lima do you think you can design a flat pack setup to build this or even just the bottom portion below the shelves?

Looks good. My only concern relates to the size of the chubby holes for the computer and monitor. Since both of those item may die and need replacement I would suggest those spaces be large enough to handle potential replacements.

You may already have done this, but I am not sure from the dimensions shown.

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The monitor is in open space so plenty of room, the desktop not so much. However there are plenty of other placements should it fail. Good thinking!

So since I have not seen anyone else chime in I am now going to tag you all to see if you have anything to say before I move forward in planning. If any of you I have tagged would like input on this design now is the time. During this week I will begin planning supply purchases and what materials will be used to build this desk. Please provide your input to make this desk great for all of us and future users.

@AndrewLeCody, @BenjaminGroves, @chuckpo, @DanielHooper, @Carpman, @dmc, @hykkonen, @Jbeadles, @Brockwell, @MichaelPursifull,

@RoysterBot, @steevithak, @WaYNeR, @zmetzing

I didn’t reply, but I did look it over.

I noticed the 24" leg space and 6" for keyboard tray.

I reviewed ergonomic guidelines of desk height and on leg space, thinking the measurements seemed odd. But everywhere I looked those seemed to match.

If I had any suggestions, it would be to plan for some indirect lighting options in the cubbies, as far forward as possible, or behind the doors if they fold up. Not only would it look sharp, to indirectly light the front panels, it would be easy on the eyes.

I’m assuming there are good spots for swr meters, and an antenna tuner, power supplies, but have you given thought to how to layout a few antenna switching components, maybe with easy desk access to an input, for trial/visiting radios? Ditto for power, it might be nice to be able to install/test a radio easily, with swr, power & tuner or selection of band antennas readily accessable.

And perhaps some designated slots or spaces (side?) for holding a log book, call cards?

Does anyone have any ideas around how to display call cards we get from station contacts? And making a DMS call card? Maybe we could join with graphic arts or organize a contest for a series of cards? Err. I’m bleeding off topic.

Back to the desk… How do you see the front corner? Have we considered a rounded edge? I’ve almost never seen the front edge rounded, but I’m not sure why. Seems like it would be easier on your arms, if you rest them on the edge?

Could we give some thought about cable management and handset cables, where the handset/mic hangs and keeping the cable out of the way? Maybe a drawing to show how these might come together? In many sheds, we sometimes mount things like swr just under a shelf, but if we have closing doors that wouldn’t work, so perhaps we should sketch in the components? Power, tuners, meters, handsets, switch boxes… It all gets a jumble quickly from a strightforward cubby hole plan that seems clean and tidy?

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Michael I have already of planned for most of what you have mentioned but will specifically address some of it now. The above posts were to get a general outline of the shape and style of our desk design before I plan everything materials and placement wise.

LED lighting will be installed so as to be hidden and able to light the radios with white and red for switch able color choices.

Placement of specific items will come in my next sketches along with room for growth into new areas we intend or don’t intend to pursue.

We currently have a paper log which will be in a cubby in the desk as a backup. We will primarily be using a digital log on the computer along with digital qsl cards. Eventually I would like some paper versions of our digital card printed for backup use but that will be once our station is a little better set up.

We will likely have a board on the wall to hang our contact cards and awards but yes they will be out on display once we get them.

Cable and coax management are going to be designed into the desk to cover all wee currently have and expansion as well.

Since you are the only one to really reply after my tagging of everyone I will begin the next phase of sketching to include our current equipment and planned expansions. I will get these sketched over the weekend and post them here. If anyone has any further questions or suggestions please post them so we can make this the best station we could possibly have.

I appreciate your hard work on this.

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@ke5bud I will be at the space this saturday and we can go over the design and see if what I have will work for it.

Great, thank you. What time works best for you?

I will be around from 11am till late.


Frank has designed the desk portion and we are just awaiting the water blocking access to the wood store to recede and then it will be milled out for us.

Progress so far,

And a huge thanks to @dougemes for coming up to help me sand and stain the table. He put in a lot of hard work and even brought beer. Good man.


And now its in the room and functional. Please baby it till be get the charts and plexi glass on top.


The desk is looking great! Are you still thinking of the hutch with doors?


Yes as soon as frank designs and mills the shelves well stain and install them.

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Ok folks we have decided to use our design and build it as drawn for the shelves vs using franks design for shelving for our desk. I am going to plan out the shelves in the next few days and get them built if all goes as planned. I am also working to order the other parts of the desk we have left. Anything else you would all like to see for the desk build?