STARR Testing Requirement Waived by Governor

The STARR testing that was supposed to happen in 2 weeks has been waived.

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Yes. Several districts are closed indefinitely. TEA has mentioned 8 weeks. I’ll be surprised if school resumes at all this year

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I agree with you, working parents need to be planning.

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Our district texted school is closed indefinitely.

One mom posted in our FB group with an offer to host the kids at her house. She was promptly told the whole point of the school closing is to keep the kids separate. She eventually deleted the post.

I don’t know what parents who can’t (or can) telecommute are going to do.

What do those parents do in the summer?

It’s definitely going to be an unplanned expense for some.

My wife is gearing up to teach high school English from home, we’ll see how it goes, this is all new, it will be interesting to see how this impacts education short term and long term.

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Sure will. Luckily my Wife is a stay at home Mom.

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Glad to hear it, myself. I’m just an elective teacher, so I never really had to worry about the exam, but any core teacher now has a little breathing room since they have to set up online classes in the midst of the pandemic.

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I think that mom was doing a great service to her friends, yes the purpose is prevent transmission among a LARGE group of people but from a practical standpoint some people are going to have a problem with working and childcare. Some of us are going to have to go to work. People pulling together and helping each other is the best way to get through these troubled times. I don’t think a group of 5-10 children poses a threat to our society, and by permitting those that must work to do so will provide a benefit.

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It’s a difficult decision all around. I know people are going to make hard choices. It would be easier if we knew for certain which kids and adults without symptoms if any were carriers, but we just don’t know.

yes, CDC really dropped the ball on testing, testing is more available in china, Korea, japan, and Europe than it is here. Testing is just now becoming available, and I think the amount of disease that is out there is going to shock people.


lots of summer camps and things during the summer, those are the sorts of things to be avoided in the current situation. Plus people expect that and have plans prepared for summer. This has been somewhat sudden.

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Agreed, chances are it’s been here for longer than previously thought.

For sure, I’ve said no different.
Even worse is there could be some kids that become parents due to this virus, caring for sick parents or worse.