Sqft Size of DMS?

IMO it’s premature, but I’ll defer to the Expansion lead.

When we open the new classrooms, we also need to update the Rooms Guide page.


I’ve watched Aliens enough times to know drop ceilings are worthless.


Adventure on a mainframe flashback…:astonished::scream:


The Collosal Cave.

We’ve got a pr meeting coming up, I’ll put it on the agenda to get a more marketing friendly about us message on the website. The wiki is great but to a prospective custom it’s not exactly exciting. I think we need something more enticing to impress them and drive physical visits.

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Dude! You make it and I’ll get it blasted out to all the doom modders out there!

Wow this thread really took on a life of its own!

I’d still love to see the SQFT on our homepage. 36,000 sqft is amazing!

Ohhh… and a member counter! Those two stats are impressive.

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