Special firing 017/018

Do we ever fire at 018/017?

I got some overglaze transfers and I’d like to try them out :sparkles:

Maybe some others would like to try it too, get a class together and have multiple pieces to fire…requires finished pieces of course, so people would need some lead time to prepare

I cant remember exactly what cone we fire the gold luster pieces to, but I think normally it is around 018, so that maybe be a possible solution.

If that turns out to not be an option, I don’t see why we couldn’t do a special firing for this. Setting this as an event with enough time for people to get their pieces for a special firing would probably work.
Obviously that would be up to the kiln-team lead to approve first.
@coffeebean thoughts?

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Yes…those would be ideal for the luster firing as we go to 018. Christy normally calls the class Luster/Decal class. I would wait until it gets closer to the firing before applying them though.

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So – usually the special firings are timed and announced. In the past, the way that we do the Special Firings is that they’re requested during the Ceramics committee meeting. Everybody discusses and a date is picked. @Christykaake does a lot of this. Normally she puts up a class to do the lustres/overglaze decals in time before the firing, so that we get enough to “fill” the kiln.

Filling the kiln isn’t a huge deal. We use the paragon, and you have to have a lot of space around each piece, as the lustres outgas, and can interfere with other pieces.


Thank you Beth! Apparently @jamierazzz will be taking this over!


Ok awesome, I didn’t know there’s a class for that! I look forward to seeing it on the schedule

Well, probably this post will have that effect. But if you don’t see anything coming up, ask for the Special Firing at the next Ceramics committee meeting.


And – there’s already 3 pieces on the very very top shelf that are waiting for the next lustre firing.

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Hi y’all! Thanks for tagging me in @Christykaake

We don’t have an official class going, but we had talked about doing a luster & over glaze decal firing by collecting folk’s pieces on the top “special firing shelf” and then I would fire it, but we didn’t decide on a date.

How would y’all feel about a firing next Friday, May 24? All items would need to be on the shelf the day before, as I would be firing in the morning.


I am so down (for a class)!

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Hi! I’d be down for a class as well. Thanks for offering.

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To all
Previously Christy would set up classes and would bring everything needed. Right now she is not teaching…which means you need to buy your own luster and look up directions on how to apply…and the same with decals. Luster is expensive too :nerd_face:

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Unless someone else steps up to teach a class….i forgot to add the to the above :point_up_2:

Can you put off the firing for one more week? My piece is not done yet. And i have to order my gold luster

I second maybe pushing this out a bit. I was waiting on a test mug to come out but it was in the misfired kiln and so it’s taking awhile to get that out and I still have to do my final firing of the rest of my mugs.

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I’m good with a push back. I’m in no hurry.