There are still open spaces for both Ukulele classes I am offering
I can supply a loaner uke to use during the class if you are curious and would like to try, but don’t own one yet.
There are still open spaces for both Ukulele classes I am offering
I can supply a loaner uke to use during the class if you are curious and would like to try, but don’t own one yet.
@Liv7301 I don’t know if you’ll see this in time, but what will be your determination on if the class gets cancelled tonight? The storm is set to hit during rush hour and to at least the beginning of the class. I’m going to be watching the weather myself and hope I can come, but the storm will be the determiner for me. I can’t be caught in a hail storm.
I’m really hoping the storm isn’t too bad because I’ve been looking forward to this class.