South Workshop Storage Now Closed

Hi all,

South Workshop project storage is now officially closed to all member projects (committees not affected). Going forward, any individual projects in there will be disposed of regardless of how long they’ve been there.

The rules for tables are as follows:

Overnight glueups are fine, so long as you’re not using the tables for storage (leaving projects on tables as storage or in the closed storage areas results in disposal of your project, no purgatory).

If you have a larger project that you can’t easily take in/out of the space every night (say a large cabinet), then email [email protected] before you leave your project here and provide your:

  • name
  • phone number
  • date you are bringing your project in
  • how much time you need to complete (up to a week)

We will then make an extension tag for you. Keep in mind that this is a courtesy we are offering people and it can be revoked if people abuse the system.