Source for 8 - 10 tpi hacksaw blades

Your basic bimetal 12 inch w/ 8 - 10 tpi hacksaw blade.
Apparently not that common.
Prefer local source, but will order.

Need to cut 1.5 - 2 inch old iron shaft.
Pwr tools not an option.


8-10tpi is a wood saw, not a metal saw. The coarsest hacksaw blades anybody sells are 14tpi, which should be perfectly fine for a thick piece of mild material like that.

Found this - bottom of pg. Doesn’t look like blade will fit typical handheld setup.

My somewhat limited inquiries among members concluded that a coarser tpi will cut faster and last longer.

Yes but your issue is that no one sells 8-10tpi for metal cutting. A 14tpi is considered to be a very rough tooth pattern and suitable for your purpose. 10tpi and 12 inches for a power hacksaw would be something I’d expect to see applied to very soft materials like wood and plastic, not metal. Nodular iron is pretty soft, but it’s not 10tpi soft.

Coming to that conclusion.
Looks like I can order a 10 pack of 14 tpi blades for lees than 1 of those other blades.
Thanks for your comments.