SolidWorks Class 2024/04/20

I am currently signed up for the SolidWorks class on Saturday 4/20/24. I have been really looking forward to a SolidWorks class since I joined the space recently.

Quick question for anyone who would know- Do we need to have our own computer/laptop to participate in this class or will it be Makerspace computers. Class info states the class will be in Pillar of Solitude- does that room have computers?

@mchoate53 - this one is for you.

Spoiler alert - I’m not the instructor but Pillar classroom has design computers and typically those would be used for the class unless otherwise stated.

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That’s @mchoate53 . Since the class is only for 5 people, I’m assuming that he’s using the computers in the Pillar room.

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And, for information you didn’t ask for, I found Miles by starting with the @ and slowly typing his name until I got his full name popping up. That doesn’t always work. Not everyone is on Talk, and not everyone on here put in their name so that it links to their handle.


The class room has SW installed on the work stations so no worries