Solder tech and electronics tech a dieing feild?

This might be an outliner but is not uncommon. a solder tech job in texas is posted at 10 to 12 dollars an hour. While the minimum wage in california is 16 an hour. Shall i assume we see soldering tech as less than valuable wage?

I can understand to help employer is this wage is temporary due to market factors. If there is over competition in the labor market as many move to texas, then can you earn wage in tech production?

Comparing California wages and Cost of Living to Texas is not in any way an apples to apples comparison.

Kinda strange that the Fast Food worker’s minimum wage is 20$. So you could in CA work fast food for more money.

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No i find california is more like 3rd world country. I seems to valve the carnal and baser things over the intellect and innovation. So many manufactures come here. We also have a lot of people in our job market. So this seems to be a different extreme. Many people in the job market drives down prices… but at times as well wages.

you’ve got to consider the job and skills. Solder Tech is a term for an entry level no skill required job, they train you. As with most jobs in the Tech/Electronic Feild entry level is rather low pay…

The job posting in question included a certification that demanded four years of experience “csp: certified safety professional” (at the cost of $ 350.00)and it is implied the job post that job seekers should ipc jstd001 and or 610 and or 7711. The wages offered from that job post was 10 to 12 dollars an hour and minimum wage 16 dollar. I fully read the job post. A quick google shows 18 a hour for standard wage of jstd001 certified tech but does not reflect the current market valie. The job post implied a lot of experience.

This very well could have been a mandatory(EEOC or Corp.) job posting in support of internal candiates.