Sold: Shell Men in Space tokens

FS: Shell Oil Company’s Men in Space tokens.

Mercury VI - 1
Gemini III - 3
Gemini IV - 3
Gemini V - 1
Gemini VII - 1
Gemini VIII - 2
Gemini X - 1
Gemini XII - 5
Apollo VIII - 1
Apollo IX - 3
Apollo X - 3
Apollo XI - 2

For at total of 26 tokens

For sale for the lovely price of $10 donation to the Maker Fellowship fund.


is that $10 for all of them, if so I will take them

Yes. Go ahead and make the $10 donation and send me proof of the donation. I’ll bring them up to the space tonight if you’ll be there.

I will be there tomorrow from around noon till after 7

Headed that way…

These have been delivered and a donation left in the Finance Box.

@Kriskat30 - There are no envelopes anywhere to be found. I had to paperclip the money to a Post-It note and drop that into the box by the copier.

There are some envelopes in a box to the left of the laptop cabinet in the Common Room.

Thanks @Bill ! :blankspace: