Slab Flattening Mill Class

Was directed here from the Discord to request a class for the Slab Flattening Mill or info about an upcoming one.

Also had a question about usage. Is it exclusively for wood-only pieces or could it also be used after an epoxy-resin pour to reflatten it?


Son and I are also looking to get this training… Thanks!

I just put a class up for the 2/27 @ 6:30 pm … it will take up to 3 days for it to show up… you’ll have to keep checking the calendar

In fact : here is the list of classes that will be going you the calendar - thru mid March


Awesome! Thanks.

Any comment on using the mill with epoxy-resin projects?

I am speaking from my experience. Epoxy resin is ok on the lathe and maybe the x carve, and not for the rest wood shop. You should double check me. For all other tools for epoxy resin you have to go to metal shop/plastics. They go by the anachronism of pigs. (Plastic interest groups).

I’m happy to ask there, but then would they have an issue with using wood on their tools? The only options I’ve seen referenced online for flattening (for example) epoxy river tables are massive planers, CNCs, and slab flatting mills.

I was able to find a single lumber mill/shop that has a big planer they lease time on (they run it), but they quoted a 200$ starting price for things with epoxy. It goes up from there based on size and time. I’m not keen on what will likely be a 400$ or more plane job. At that price, I could just buy my own slab mill set, but I’m not equipped at home for that kind of thing.

Absolutely. We don’t allow wood in the plastics shop.

Wait for an answer from @got_tools. That will be the definitive answer on the slab mill.

The slab mill is easier and faster than using a CNC for the process of flattening epoxied slabs… We’ll go over that in the class… :grinning:

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Awesome, thanks! Looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

Everyone of the above-listed classes is now open and available to sign up. You’ll have to log-in to the Calendar first – DMS user name and the password for your account (not Talk).

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