Silly little things I miss at DMS

Not really “silly”, but one of the things I miss with DMS being closed is…3D Fab Noir.

What silly little thing do you miss?


Yes … I was talking about that about a month ago … never did figure it out lol @Brian

I miss the people, honestly and so many classes on all kinds of interesting things …

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The Potluck Dinners… I didn’t attend many, but do miss 'em.


Given the fact that I’m forbidden from resurrecting it I may as well explain.

One evening I planned to go to DMS for some printing. I usually check the camera before leaving to get a sense of how busy the printers are. I noticed the camera had switch to black & white. I had never seen that before. I assumed the camera was broken. A few minutes later color was restored and I realized the camera was simply in “low light” mode. If you browse the history in the original post you can see the conversation I had with myself. (Oddly no one noticed that history.)

The forum does not allow deleting threads (didn’t at the time). Rather than replace the post with something ridiculous like “redacted” or “delete me” I decided to capture another black & white image and post that without explanation.

After about a month I decided to turn the thread itself into art. I would post black & white images when I discovered the camera in the appropriate mode. I vowed not to interfere in any way (I violated that oath with two likes; I could not resist).

Eventually I wrote a program (Raspberry Pi / Python) that captured images when the camera was in black & white mode. It has some simple but effective rules that did a reasonable job of capturing non-duplicate interesting images. I would filter that set down to one or two.

The one other rule was “no people”. I did not want to violate anyone’s privacy.


That could be the start of a new diet fad. “The Reduced Calorie Intake Diet.” Or maybe “The Regurgitation Reflex Diet”?


Everyone liked that thread. Forbidden…How so?


I found that bringing pretty much any medieval recipe to a potluck meant I got to eat their food and take mine back home. :grinning::grinning:.


Too much thieving. The bright orange makerspace filament is not visible with the lights off. Before the move we had some serious thieving. If we had a better / automated method of dispensing makerspace filament (or no thieves) 3D Fab Noir could return.


You could do something similar elsewhere and not having the lights off but with a code to crack or a mystery to solve … and you can reveal it at some point down the road
That was what was brilliant about it … this mystery and not quite knowing what was suppose to be happening … or even what it was for … was it art? a code? Loved it

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Sunday BBQ at Old House.

Allen roaming the halls asking, “Food? Food?”


This article reminded me of making cranes with @axeonos


I miss having meals in the galley with friends and meeting new people who came in to use the vending machines.

So many people would love to tell me what they were making just because I asked. We have some really talented people here who like to be approached first. I miss that a lot.