Hi all! Hope I’m posting in the right place (I’m a longtime admirer / new member of DMS, and trying not to let the stupid-sauce drip from the pants on my head.) I have an event that some DMS folks might be interested in, down in Mansfield on October 13th and 14th.
It’s called Writers in the Field, and it’s designed to be a “see it, touch it, smell it, do it” opportunity for writers of all stripes to get their hands on some of the less-common things they might be writing about. For example, we’ve got a coroner coming to do a mock crime scene for the crime/mystery writers, lots of sword and archery combat practice for the historical and fantasy writers, and so on. Here’s a small taste from last year:
Anyway, this is a thirteen-acre farm, with loads of outdoor exhibit space, and I wanted to say: if any of you are interested in showing off what you do at WITF, please let me know! This is our second year, and now that we’re starting to get our sea legs, we really want to prioritize speakers and exhibitors who belong to larger communities (like DMS!), so that our attendees can start making long-term connections with the organizations and resources that exist right here in our own back yard.
Relevant details:
–we’re still too small and new to be able to offer honorariums, but may be able to cover expenses if you’re bringing something that requires serious setup or is high in demand (horses, live forge, Sherman tank, etc. Actually, I think we’re covered for the tank.)
–our biggest demographics are writers of: 1) crime/mystery/thrillers, 2) historical fiction/fantasy, and 3) military/survival. But we’re happy to consider anything!
–exhibitor space is cheap, as long as you can bring your own table, chairs, and canopy - let me know how much room you need and I can get you an exact figure. You’re welcome to sell your wares or advertise your business - we’re up for almost anything.
–we got about 200 attendees last year, and should be able to clear 300 this year.
That’s all I can think of at the moment. Feel free to reply here or email me ([email protected]) if you’re interested. I’ll be at the DMS tour tomorrow night too. Can’t wait to come smell what you’re cooking!