Show and Tell September 2020

Product photographer wanted $400 to take some pictures, I decided to try and take a risk make my own light box and see how my pictures would turn out. Glad i did.


If you want them more shadowless you can place your items on glass that is on standoffs above the paper background.


What haven’t heard that one?

A HUGE THANK YOU to @bertberaht and @Andy_Bojo for taking hours out of their day and projects to help me with this piece on the cnc machine. I can’t wait to gift this lazy Susan to my parents for Christmas! (Oak cookie is a small piece of a large tree from their home (my childhood home) that was cut down to make room for a pool).


I made a small panel mount for Anderson powerpole connectors. It’s going to go into a DIY lithium battery pack for our little teardrop camper trailer. It had been awhile since I’d used the 3d printers so I took the online training as a refresher and it was great. It made it easy peasy when I got to the space to print. Also, I really like the new 3d fab setup, nice and clean, tons of room, plenty of computers, all-around excellent. Thanks to the volunteers for the hard work getting that all together.


We had a Dye Sub 101 last night and produced some great looking mugs.


@hon1nbo Yours looks great!

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It was an awesome class!

I also did this at the tail end to try it on powder coat:


Would love to take a class on this!! When are classes given?

I took the class a while back and would love a refresher

I’ll get another one on the calendar soon.