Shapeoko Class Full in Three Days


Requesting another Shapeoko “machine operation” class be scheduled soon, as there is obviously high interest. The recently-announced class (posted 10/9) filled up in under three days. I initially missed the calendar announcement (and I was already planning to be out-of-town on 10/19) and the class filled up. I have a near-term need to use the machine (not just a casual interest). Thanks, Jeff Miller

It actually filled up in 16 minutes. I know the demand is there however I teach when time permits and that’s limited.


This is why I encourage others to teach. We can’t have the same people teaching all the time. I don’t want them to get burned out.

So I encourage anyone who knows the machine to step up to help teach. If you want to help, you can teach. Get with us & we will help you get lined out.

I want to recognize the machine shop teachers.

Also Captain, not on talk I don’t believe.

I’m grateful of you guys taking the time out of your day to teach. I’ll tell you, they don’t do it for the money.


I withdraw my individual request for Shapeoko training. Shapeoko training not needed by me at this time. For the time-being, I am going to pursue a non-DMS-based path to PCBs. JLM

I really enjoy working in the plastics department. Once I receive training and become more comfortable, which I anticipate won’t take long, I’d be delighted to contribute to teaching in this field. My schedule is quite flexible most of the time, so if any of you have availability outside of the regular class schedule, I would greatly appreciate the chance to learn so that I may assist in the future.

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Just to hop onto this bandwagon, I’d definitely love to get trained on the Shapeoko! I’m initially interested in doing metal work in the machine shop but it sounds like there is one in plastics as well and I’m sure there’ll be a project in the future where it’ll come in handy. Thanks in advance!