Seeking advice on starting embroidery

Howdy folks,

A year or so back I decided to try getting some secondhand embroidery supplies to do a few fun projects. I got a little more than I bargained for and a woman sold me a lot of fine supplies, and included were unfinished projects. I’d like to know if anyone is planning on teaching any classes in embroidery or if I could just get some advice on where to start, and how I might one day finish some of these unfinished works that are in my care.


Hand embroidery, I assume?

Precisely, thank you for the clarification

I would recommend joining the gang around the bowling table for Fiber Frolic on most/many Tuesday evenings.


Sue Rogers has occasionally taught classes on hand embroidery, but the Fiber Frolic group will be a good resource. FF is probably better for looking at the projects, anyway. It’s usually work and chitchat, so it’s not as if you’re interrupting a class. You may decide you want a class, but you’ll get some good solid advice.

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A good online resource is Mary Corbet’s Needle n Thread. She has lots of great video tutorials for different techniques.

I’m usually at Fiberfrolic, though I missed this week, but I’m happy to help you out then, or else PM me and I can meet up with you at another time.

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Agree, come to a Tuesday fiberfrolic. A decent percentage of us are doing needlework lately so there’s plenty of help.

We meet most tuesdays (check the calendar). One is a combined CA meeting so we work in background during meeting and start actual fiberfrolic later about 8pm. A normal (non ca meeting) Tuesday might be better for when you jump in

We were talking last night and Sue Rogers will be putting some actual embroidery classes on the calendar soon too

If you do fb, we communicate a lot in the group “Dallas Makerspace Fiberholics” and it’s good for questions, reminders, inspiration, etc

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Thank you all very much, I’ll be sure to check out the Fiberfrolic and check out those video tutorials in the meantime.

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I’m interested to see what supplies you have and hear the discussion at Tues Eve Fiber Frolic meet up. Seeing cool stuff and listening to discussion and thoughts from folks is always great for generating new ideas (for Me :))

I’d be happy to bring the box this Tuesday, I meant to come this past week, but work was a little tiring. I’m looking forward to getting started, since I keep getting ideas for things I want to embroider.