Seats Available Thursday - Raspberry Pi Pico W: Controlling Sensors with MicroPython

This class is ideal for those with no electronics or programming experience as well as those with experience who want to learn about an RPi microcontroller and MicroPython. If you are wondering how to get started in the electronics hobby world, this class will let you gain experience with a number of sensors and accessories. Each student will be issued a parts kit for use in class containing an RPi Pico W, breadboard, DS18B20 temperature sensor, DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, KY-018 photo resistor module, potentiometer, RGB LED, HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor, servo, USB cable, LEDs,… I’ll run through just enough slides to get you going then we will have lab time. The class is limited to six so I can work with you individually

Class is free and open to members and non-members. Registration is required.

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