SSI!!! I did my Nitrox and deep air dive training through SSI way back in the day before PADI got on board with Nitrox. I still have my first dive computer. It’s about the size of a wrist-mounted brick! Those were the days… Hanging out at the dive shop, learning sign language from my DiveMaster with a deaf brother who got a couple of diving terms like tank and regulator accepted into the ASL dictionary…we didn’t need no stinking noteboards! Bare wetsuits used to make sexy-ish gear for us gals, like neoprene capri pants and a cropped tanktops - I could rock that stuff back then, believe it or not. But nothing beats a diveskin for keeping the thimble jellies at bay. Night ocean dives were my FAVE. I highly recommend eating the Sam’s Club lasagne the charter boat served us for lunch. Just puke that up underwater and you’ll have instantaneous fishy friends follow you around all day - I know for a fact, and your dive buddy will never let you live it down.
Be careful, practice your safety protocols until they are automatic and pay attention to everything you can - always. We were safety-FREAKS and practiced crazy stuff like tangle up in fishing line and lose your mask, re-gearing underwater with your mask blacked out, disorientation drills, etc. If you get a chance, dive at SCUBA Park/Windy Point on Lake Travis…they have all kinds of scenario stuff set up like a boat hanging vertically and practice environments for cave/extraction diving…and they feed the fish there so these giant catfish that could swallow your head just come right up to divers, so take hotdogs with you and they’ll eat out of your hand. AND it’s around a bend from Hippie Hollow if you wanna spook the skinny-dippers. A couple of beers and dinner afterward at the Oasis and that’s a great day!
Then if you’re really dedicated - hit the Meadows Center at Spring Lake. YES! You can dive (what was) Aquarena Springs now IF you take their course. Austin has some great inland diving - thank you Edwards Aquifer!! Soldier’s Bluff at Lake Whitney is deep and fairly close is good if you want to practice low vis. It freaks me out folks let their kids play on the rocks right there - it’s a sharp drop-off into fairly deep water.
I lost a friend on a dive trip in the Flower Gardens to a surface embolism - freak thing, but a real thing.
I envy you, though. Diving was some of the most fun I’ve had…EVER! Enjoy the adventure and make sure you buy your DAN insurance. Plan your dive and dive your plan, dude!