Well, we had a small but mighty group that toured the hospitals guts today and I want to thank @engpin for setting it all up for us (and coming in during off work time to walk us around) it was obvious that this isn’t just “just a job” for him and he was able to share his passion with us.
We were able to see how the hospital uses Cnc, metal shop, machining and 3D printing to help better kids. This was a unique tour and we were very lucky to see it. Included is a picture of the marry-go-round that Jayson restored last year.
Good things are happening in that corner and with tech development. It was great to be able to see it today.
I’m sorry I missed the tour, but now It all looked impressive, especially the larger-than-most kaleidoscope. .
Wow that’s a side of hospitals very rarely seen, thanks for all the pictures unable to go. I realize most everything done in those areas probably have tons of compliance requirements and the like but are there things DMS members can help out with?
I am constantly amazed at the improvement ins artificial limbs My dad lost a leg to cancer in 1962 and the newest
ting then was the elimination of belts and straps in favor of suction fit on the stump But the legs was still heavy and cumbersome It was very tiring to walk far with it
Today folks can dance and run and even ski with them
We talked about that after the visit with @engpin I think it’s best for him to talk about the options. What’s important is what really would happen. I would hate to over complicate, overshoot or over promise something to kids. Jayson had some very plausible ideas that could work for members who wanted to help inside of dms.