Science Discord

Hello all scientists!
I have created a Discord for the science lab to facilitate communication and organization of projects. I know there is already a Discord server for DMS in general, but this is so that the discussion is more focused and organized specifically for science. In my experience, Discord, has worked much better than any other web telecommunication software such as Zoom and Google Meetup. The best part is that it is free (unless you want better streaming quality than the already pretty decent quality). Perhaps we can use it for the Sunday meetings at 2:30pm.

Here is the link to the server:

Please set your name on the server to your real name to facilitate communication.
Also, if you join, please send me a DM on Talk or post your name here below so that I can add you as a scientist. I would appreciate if you did not post the Discord link other places.


In that case, you should move this post inside of Members only. Talks gets thousands of hits daily from various web crawlers.

So the existing Discord already has a science specific category.

Also re:

Remember official meetings are on Google Meet regardless for telepresence.

Thanks for setting this up!

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