Science asking for advice on outreach

How should Science do outreach to get lab equipment donated? Any advice?

Within or without of DMS?

lab equipment outside of DMS

The first thing that occurs to me is scan the several auction sites that seem to specialize in this type of equipment (I am sure you are aware of a few). Then reach out to those orgs on a proactive basis…it’s already known they are trying to offload stuff cheap/quick. A donation to a charitable organization might just appeal to them.

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Is there a good away to approach manufacturers of scientific equipment and ask them for donations? Like, blast out a letter to every manufacturer highlighting the tax donation and PR opportunities? Go meet representatives in person at a conference or Meetup?

How have other committees received big donations in the past ?


One of the reasons I suggested doing this with the auction sites is it is clear they have stuff to get rid of and are trying to do it cheaply, i.e. we already know they put out. Target rich environment and all that…

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As far as outreach goes in a world of Instagram and YouTube celebrities maybe the Science Department could make some original content (like a quick video version of the essential oils class) to get some followers on Facebook and/or YouTube. I’m sure if you get enough views on either you’ll be more likely to have people interested in donating to DMS.

in regards to @gvasquez 's comment I just got access to the DMS Youtube page and I’m more than happy to work with other chairs to promote their committees via short promo vids.

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IMO I think you will have more success saying what you need in general classes and size ranges, and what types work it’ll be used for, rather than “we’ll take whatever you’ll give us.”. They may have something you haven’t thought of but might work.

This will show a more focused approach and that you really have a need for something specific in mind. If it is something they do or they are interested in they will be more receptive.


Maybe have a Patreon account where "If we get ‘x’ amount donated we can buy ‘y’ equipment and start showing you how to make/build/etc. ‘z’ "

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I’m not against reaching out to auctioneers, but if I was going to approach them I would have a very specific item in mind and I would go to a specialist in that type of equipment. I wouldn’t just call up, but I would contact the auctioneers posting there.

“Hey Mr. Auctioneer, we’re DMS… educational 501c(3)… We’re looking for a gently used (X). We notice you were dealing in that type of equipment on-line. We need it for (fill in a specific educational purpose). Could you let us know if you run across one in the future that fits the bill. We can offer tax deductions.”

If you approach any donor looking for general handouts you’re likely to get crap or hung up on. Show them a mission, purpose, and specific need, and you can get them invested in helping further the cause.


thank you good ideas!

This is what I do for school when I need donations (usually in supply form)
I figure out what I want/need.
I find out what manufacturer makes it - and sometimes he distributor but it depends.
I call them and send them an old fashioned letter asking for exactly what I want and how it will be used.
I wait.
I send a thank you with a couple of photos (they have pr needs as well).

I’ve had some solid successes asking for exactly what I want - Not so much the “well it would be cool to get whatever whenever”.

Ps this is also a good approach to life in general.


I know there have been at least 2 labs in the area closing down, allied (?) Which is right down the street from DMS was doing lots of layoffs and cutbacks they may be someone to contact.

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thank you, any idea on how to get in touch with someone there?

wonderful idea, thank you Nicole! you are amazing

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They may be completely shut down now actually, former employee is a friend and his new employer was unable to contact them, their number if you want to try is 972-366-0020. Wasn’t aware just how bad off they were and it’s been months since my friend worked there so probably a dead end, sorry.

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Go knock on the front door with your hat in your hand and a smile on your face and ask for the proprietor. Works like a charm in this day and age. People rarely get off their asses anymore, so face to face is “tangible”.

Song and dance optional. (please video it if you do.)


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