Sat Oct 14th - Member Swap/Trade/Free Meet 6-8p

Bring up your makery stuff and let’s swap it out/trade it out or just put it out for someone else to have.
I’m reserving two areas to begin with and I’ll wait to see the response of this event. If needed I will take away the warehouse reservation and just keep with the interactive.
In an effort to help this along I would like to ask that if you bring items you will be responsible for either volunteering a bit to clean or setup for 15 minutes.

If you or a family member is a smoker please don’t bring any cloth/fabric/fiber items that absorbed the smell.
Please fill out this form to help me (and other members) understand what might be arriving: after you fill it out you should be able to see what others listed
Feel free to post some pictures under this thread of items
I’m reserving the interactive room and also some rooms in the warehouse

Interactive room: Any thing related to items used in “inside” of this building- electronics, 3D printing, video/photo, anything creative arts related
Workshop tables: Anything related to the workshop areas- woodshop, machine shop, metal shop, laser, auto, fired arts, vector, science


As yiss I have totally used all the things I acquired at the last swap and definitive don’t have any items hiding in the bottom of my fabric stash…

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hahahahaha give them up and keep swapping - your old things will return to you someday

Thank you for this! I have a hard time throwing away things I’ve made when they don’t turn out quite like I planned. But they are still perfectly functional bowls, seems wasteful to chuck them! I don’t have a ton at the moment as I’ve been making use of the freebie shelf. Just a wee bit of table.


Did you leave a blue Raku saucer on the shelf? If so thanks
I love Raku

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yup this is exactly what this event is for - out with the old energy and projects and in with new energy and potential.

Thanks for saying “wee bit” it made me think of a question to ask on the worksheet to help estimate the amount of room we will need!

I made a quick little poster and hopefully I will be able to come up today to hang it around the space to get more people in the know. I have only 3 people who have signed up so far but I know more are interested. This is your one month warning call to start cleaning out your corners people.

Eliminate what doesn’t help you evolve!

Swap-2.pdf (63.1 KB)

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Pushing this back up. I put up posters but I haven’t had time to go up and see if they are still hanging. Time to start purging and putting together a box of stuff. By Tuesday October 10th I will publish the list of things people posted online that they are going to bring (please enter info here)
Also on that day I’ll make the call if we are going to cut the additional table.
Please seize this opportunity to give up some of your unused materials that you know could be useful to others. Electronics asked if they could take the opportunity to use this day to offer some items to the members (for a donation) before they put them on craigslist - I think that’s an awesome idea.

My hope is that cleanup goes smoothly by people leaving cardboard boxes under the tables so we can just basically quickly put all the stuff back in the boxes - a few for trash, a few for the free shelf.

I’ve asked that if you’re involved with the trade day that you either help setup or cleanup. More details on setup will come out on the 10th.

I have a small box of stuff ready to go. Hopefully by this weekend it will be a large tub of stuff for the offering. I realize the early sign up is a bit of trouble. Only 5 people have used it. But here are the results.

What people have signed up to bring as of Oct 12th (all 5 of you) :
Fabric, possibly yarn
Ugly Ceramics
Not sure yet- probably nothing- maybe some electronic parts- arduino boards and breakout boards, EL Wire, LEDS
Beads, tools, anything that I have time to grab
Undecided; will update later

What people are looking for:
Mostly yarn, but natural fibers
Wood, old equipment, bits of metal
Raw materials(aluminum, acrylic, steel); Electronics
Beads, metal, tools, ceramics stuff
Ill know it when i see it; tools, small metals

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I’m going to be purging the craft fortress this week!


Ayden might be wanting those soon…

I agree - that’s someone else who posted that they will be bringing them. I just forwarded the info from the google form to entice people. :slight_smile:

I made some tags to help people keep things a bit organized:
I’ll bring them with or at least I have this link to print them at the space if needed.

Found a new program and I’m freaking loving it makes me look like I know what I’m doing fast.

Setup plan (for those who want to help):
Not rocket science but we need easy movement around the areas and get it kinda cleared out.
Take out the trash and re-line two trashcans with wheels so we have it closer to the end of the swap.
Stacking and putting chairs up in interactive and setting up tables in a way that people can move around.

“Messier” things will be placed in/on the warehouse tables
“Cleaner” things will be placed in the interactive room
What I mean by this is that the items related to the SIGS inside and out should go in that area (does that make sense?)

I’m not entirely sure we need both areas but I figure its best to keep both reservations to see how this goes. Rather have an abundance of space and adjust if needed.

Please bring your items in a box if possible and leave the box under the table so we can clean up quickly.
Please donate either 15m to help setup or 15m to help clean up if you plan on participating in this event.


The Donation Shelf “owns” a price gun. We have lots of labels.

@Cairenn_Day manages the price gun. There are more labels if needed.