Safety glasses - an argument for them


Exsactly. Honestly it’s not enough sometimes. I remember getting a small piece of a cup brush wire wheel in my eye at work about 15 years ago. I was wearing safety glasses & a face shield. Now days those fancier smancer face shields are better.

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That’s why I use a full face shield when using an angle grinder. This is not that uncommon, especially if using cutting disks (opposed to grinding disks) and/or using cheap import disks.

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Yup. I have a scratch on my glasses from a Dremel cutoff disk that flew into several pieces.

Polycarbonate lenses FTW!

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Saw a video demonstration on Talk not long ago that motivated me to buy actual Z87 safety glasses for DMS and home use.


Ounce of prevention, pound of pain or something like that? Anywhere else and that piece would have ruined his day! Made me cringe a bit…

Here ya go!

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I love these, they are dirt cheep and can take a 2 joule impact with out issue. They are z87+ rated. I wear the tinted version for airsoft during the day and the clear version when I’m working. 8 dollars on amazon. They have a removable foam seal all the way around too but still stay clear and not fogged as long as you keep your head moving.



PS I am actually wearing the tinted ones in the Avatar picture.


Yup. I wear a dark tinted pair from the orange big box hardware store as sunglasses, with several other clear and yellow tint pairs scattered around my workshop and car.

I had a very close call one time with some springy antenna wire which hit my regular glasses end-on right in the middle as it recoiled after a cut. I suspect I would have had one less-than-fully-functional eyeball after that event, had I not been wearing “something”. (Normal eyeglasses are not proper PPE, of course.)

i bought a nice faceshield. Just never have it in the van for when I go to the space. Putting it in there now.

Thanks for the reminder @william_petefish

I’ve had regular glasses save my eyes many times while doing things I wouldn’t have thought needed safety glasses. It’s hard for me to see how everyone that doesn’t wear glasses isn’t blind.

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This is a factor that’s weighed in my decision not to get my eyes lasered. No small number of mundane tasks will throw bits of debris at your face.

Wow! Abcdefghijklmnop

I’m glad I’m not the only one with dremel cutoff discs fragmenting. I
thought we had spares in woodworking?

Tim Nielsen