Hello! I’m very interested in joining! I had a question that isn’t addressed in the rules and policies.
Are there any rules about making noise late at night? Like 10pm hammering or using a grinder. Or rules about noise in general? I bought a nice Dewalt Electric Planar, but I can’t use it because it really upsets the neighbor, since my garage is about 20 feet from their living room windows. (Townhomes.)
The beauty of being in an industrial area is the absence of neighbors to complain outside business hours.
I don’t remember ever seeing a formal policy, but I would avoid sudden, unexpected noises that are at risk of creating sudden hearing damage. But it is not uncommon for people to be doing things that make enough noise for hearing protection to be recommended.
Inside the space? None. As @kbraby has mentioned DMS is in a light industrial area. Sound from routine operations inside don’t much register outside and the nearest residential is across the highway so it’s a nonissue. Woodshop, metal cutting, machine shop, tabletop gaming nights¹ - DMS does these at every time of the day and it’s a complete non-issue.
Outside? I’m told by those who were there that this was the loudest thing they’d experienced - even people inside the building were complaining about the noise - yet I gather the gendarmes were not summoned. Use good judgement of course - the pulsejet was not the best thing to be experimenting with at DMS and there are lease restrictions on what we can do outdoors.
¹I kid - picked a random thing where boisterousness seems likely
@kbraby@ESmith Thank you both for this info! I think I just got extra sensitive of the noise I’m making because of my townhouse and very close neighbors.
Can relate - took me the better part of a year after moving into a house to realize I was no longer obliged to use headphones to listen to music, play video games, etc.
Wow that giant glowing nearly molton piece of metal shooting out flames en force looks super safe! Pretty cool, but I wonder, what is the purpose of something like that other than to say you built a pulse jet engine?