I’m starting a project that will involve a microcontroller reading temps from a thermocouple and using that to switch on and off an electric heating element (via a solid state relay).
I’ve done some VERY basic work with an arduino in the past, and am pretty good at picking up languages (probably Python in this case). I’ve been reading and researching for the last 2 weeks, but am still not entirely sure how to proceed - i.e. I’m just dangerous enough now to be pointed in the right direction by someone who is good at this stuff.
If anyone would like to help me through this - at least some initial council - I’d be willing to bring in the beer for a little bit of your time.
Normally I would agree, but I’m trying to use what I have… Which in this case is the pi2. I also think that writing the program on github and just pulling it to the pi will make it easier in the end for me to get help when I really stumble.
I wish I could help but I’m learning as well. I’m going to be using a thermocouple temp probe for 1 of my pi projects. Best I can say is look for some sample scripts.