I had to cancel the table router class, but I’d like to get signed off. Is there any one that would be willing/ have time to do a 1:1 with me some morning next week to get training and sign off for both routers? @SWA maybe?
I believe the router along with most tools in the woodshop is unlocked via the woodshop safety and orientation. So you shouldn’t require a router class to get access to the routers. The router table class was taught to be a more in-depth review of the table router. Not sure what you mean by both routers, so ill assume you mean the hand routers under the Miter Saw. I do believe these are also accessible after the Safety and Orientation class. Now there are some plunge routers that do require a special class that will unlock the ability to use those routers. I think these are usually posted as Router Bowl Class (Tom not sure, his Talk Name) or Plunge Router taught by a Pro ( @SWA )
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Tom’s talk handle is @TSki
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