Robot Competition at DMS

The Dallas Personal Robotics Group (DPRG) will be holding its annual robot contest at DMS on May 13th.

Sorry, you won’t see robots smashing into one another.

But you will see robots navigating around by themselves (autonomously) avoiding obsticals, moving objects around, etc.

Think of a self-driving car, but on a smaller scale.

Are you the next Elon Musk?
You can get aheads up on how robots work and how sensors are used by robots.
Some robots :robot: may be using Artifical Intelligence!

Sound too complicated to get involved?
No! There are two beginner-intermediate contests too.

Would you like to join the competition?
The contest is open to anyone!

For full details, check out their contest page:


A Practice Session for Roborama Competitors to Test Robots is happening today until 3 pm in the Interactive Room.
If you have an interest in robots, please drop by and see what’s happening.