RFID Implants and Biohacking Class 9/19 12pm-1pm

Among the only non-cyborg who attended the class today, thank you for all that received implants. It was a great learning experience.
The Cyberise products are less costly than Dangerous Things products. ($50 for NFC kit vs. $100 xNT tag Any indication as to why there’s a cost difference? Cyberise claims that they’re the exact same hardware.

Also, @feengerz any insight into whether the RFID and NFC can be implanted near each other, if not simultaneously?

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Maybe once Amaal broke the ice so to speak with the manufacturer, costs went down? I don’t know. I’m not afraid to ask, though.

Also, did you capture my implantation on video? If you have it, can I have a copy? I’m @gmail.com. I’m the guy who went second, with the spotted hand. :slight_smile:

I think the class went well and had a lot of interest. @Haley_Moore, @Comter, @ScottVR, @KrissyHeishman and my self successfully implanted RFID tags in our hands. Big shout out to @feengerz for making this go smoothly and giving us a lot of information about biohacking.

@ScottVR after you left @Haley_Moore and I went to fry’s and bought a USB RFID reader, it did show the codes, but they had to be converted. @bscharff had us scan in our implants and then entered the codes into the makerspace readers so they could open the doors.

They are the same chip the T5577 but looks like they don’t have the manufacturer locked UID. honestly, I don’t think I would want to store information in the RFID, mostly it would be for spoofing other RFID tags, but since we have access to change the readers the UID is arbitrary.

Here is the video of the process being done, it was “mostly harmless”


the artist seemed super nice when i went with Krissy to do hers. im pretty interested in NFC whenever that class comes around :smile:
great class
hope there are more to come cant wait to see all the neet things yall do

@bscharff I’m curious if you (or you, @themitch22) can explain what is meant by “be converted” in Mitch’s previous post.

The number from an RFID tag is nothing more than a big number. Different electronic devices have different ways to represent numbers for human use. In this case, decimal versus hexadecimal representation with differences in the number of significant digits thrown in.

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I ran into this once (TLDR: Makermanager and our RFID system only care about the lowest 24bits):

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That makes perfect sense. Thanks for the explanation.

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I threw together a quick snippet of code that does this conversion. http://comter.org/makerspace/rfid_converter/ If you want the PHP code, let me know and I can provide it. Maybe instead of throwing that out-of-bounds error in MakerManager, try and run this conversion code instead and then see if a usable result is returned then use that result if it’s valid (but I can also see reasons for not doing it silently either so maybe just a quick JS snippet that will act on the form field where the tag was entered if that error gets thrown).

-the purring dork


“A 24-bit integer has a signed integer range of 16 million”

To be pedantic, 24 bit unsigned goes up to 16 million.

To be more pedantic, a 24-bit uint goes up to ~16.7MM. :wink:

And also, in pedant mode, it is completely correct to say that a signed into has a range of ~16MM (-8 to +8), it just doesn’t apply to throwing an error at values >2^24. Just so long as, y’know, we are being pedantic and such.

*cough* *quotes Wikipedia* http://comter.org/makerspace/rfid_converter/

-the purring dork

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But you didn’t quote wikipedia… I mean, as long as we are being sticklers here. :slight_smile:

Referenced, and not quoted, then I guess? Also, signed and unsigned 24-bit integers both have a range of ~16.7 million but different start and stop numbers. However, since only positive number are useful to us in regards to RFID UID tags (he said with about 85% certainty), then an unsigned 24-bit integer is more useful (with a max upper range of 16,777,215) but still outside the bounds of some tags that go over 7-8 digit numbers. I’m not sure exactly in this case where the limitation lies (with the door reader, the tags, the backend system, or the database table/field).

-the purring dork


@themitch22 ~ y’all should post more of the vids 'n pix 'n kewlness for us to watch! :smiley:

Then we are saying the exact same thing. I thought you were correcting me with a quote from Wikipedia that you forgot to paste. Carry on.

Oh, no, no, heh. I quoted/referenced Wikipedia on the page that I linked right after that. http://comter.org/makerspace/rfid_converter/

-the purring dork

Huh. I just went to the WD40 website and read the facts and myths.

I don’t think WD40 would help with unsigned integers.