This post is both a correction and an addition for the previous post (Update on Usage of Talk by DMS Members)
While in the process of adding data about how frequently eligible voters for the upcoming election view Talk, I noticed the data set extended to 8:24 am on May 1st. Since a number of users check Talk posts either in the wee hours or at the start of their day, those counts were improperly excluded. Corrected it and will be more careful to check that in the future. This correction resulted in the end of month line being essentially the same pattern seen on the first data pull conducted on 4/11/19.
I have added the visits made by eligible voters. There are 329 members eligible to vote on May 10, 2019. A total of 145 visited Talk at least once during April. Of those, 128 visited during the last 7 days.
I would like to see an effort undertaken by PR or Education or by the BoD to research what keeps 74% of members, 60% of Green Dots and 55% of Voters from looking at Talk at least once a month.