Running into an issue with the joiner. I was trying to run some 4x4 stock and the joiner is not running square. It’s putting an angle across the wood and also causing a taper from the front of the stock downwards to the back. See picture.
I made sure the fence is square but it’s still causing the issue. Is there something I’m missing or is the joiner having a problem right now?
There are some irregularities due to the cutter heads needing replacement, but it seemed to be running square. Small sniping issue on the back end that still needs addressing. I will look into it as time allows.
Yup. That’s what I meant. We have some replacements but not a full set. It’s time to change all of them this time. Partial blade replacement will only make things worse at this point.
Ah ok, sorry just saw this dunno why I didn’t get a notification. You are talking about the ones in the filing cabinet by the sharpening supplies yeah? When the full set arrives @indytruks138 (I believe) and I are both interested in learning how to replace them