[Resolved] Blitzen smoking flaring 2024/12/13

I’m doing some Christmas ornaments and it is smoking and flaring up

Line 500/20
Cut line 20/40
Using wood panels from lobby fan is on
Have only cut 2 of the dimensional designs.
Advice ?

IDK offhand which machine is Blitzen - but the smoking could be a function of the exhaust system design. The laser at the far left gets substantially less exhaust performance, so it tends to smoke a lot more.

If you’re cutting something extensive or thick you might consider changing machines.

Check that the air assist is not turned off.

  • Check that air assist is turned on and actually working
  • Verify the ventilation is actually working
  • check focus
  • check the lens and clean it if necessary
  • look at the cut and make sure that it’s actually correctly focused

I switched to Donner. I left the two board examples comparing the lasers on the laser and told the members who were there I left before these responses. thank you

Your post should have gone in the Issues & Requests, but you don’t have access to member-only categories because Talk doesn’t recognize you as a member.

To get access you should use the member profiles system. Dallas Makerspace members (primary or family/add-on) in good standing may request access to Members Only categories (e.g. Issues & Requests ) by following the instructions here:


Thank you for explaining all this. I linked my account, but didn’t see a green dot or outline around my pic. Does this need to be approved?

It’s there now. You probably needed to refresh the page.

Issue is someone keeps turning off the air assist… we don’t know why??? They are not turning it back on when they are done…

Issue resolved

note when air assist is off the lens soots up fast