@pinewoodnut is looking at the issue and collaborating with @Brandon_Green.
We’ll let you know when all is well.
From my understanding the blower is not turning on automatically for the large thunder
Current theory is that the contactor that turns the blower on may have gone bad. There are 3 seperate contactors so that each of the 3 lasers can control keeping the blower on when needed.
Note the two white boxes under the blower, each one contains a contactor that is controlled by a 208 signal, it then turns on 120volt power to the blower. (The zing contactor is in the box mounted on the zing)
This is the contactor / relay
The quickest troubleshooting step would be to swap the control line plugs going into the two white boxes to see if the issue follows the change or not.
For blitzen the 208v control signal (which has a built in delay so that the blower keeps running for 30 seconds after the job finishes) goes directly from blitzen to a white contactor box. The 208v control signal is wired up strangely on the large thunder in that the contactor control signal goes through this additional box
This extra step exists only because the TL Timer board inside the thunder was not reliably turning blower on off with a delay, so as a hack I split the air assist line control signal so that the air assist goes into this delay board which then sends the signal to the main blower contactor.
A word of caution, be extremely careful if unplugging the 3 to 1 box that connects the output of each of those 3 contactors to the blower (the small outlet box with 4 plugs visible in picture above), there are MALE plugs that could be live with 120 volts if one of the contactors is still on and you haven’t unplugged everything
Thank you very much for working on this.
They make line voltage delay on break timers that are rated for line voltage on the coil.
I looked at it and it seemed like the connector to the relay was not fully seated, I unplugged and replugged it and it seems to work. I didn’t remove any signage saying it’s down as was only able to test it once briefly
Brandon, the blower is back in order. Well done. Thanks for your hard work.
Ran tests on Big Thunder with help of newly trained members Matt and Michael last night.
It was an impromptu “Office Hours” and they got the satisfaction of giving back to the Space.