Resin class test run this weekend

I am going to start teaching a resin introduction class, but I’d like to do a small trial run before posting something to the DMS calendar.

Is anyone interested in attending this weekend?

It will involve making a basic silicone putty mold, then casting tinted/ cold cast resin. All materials included.

Edit: I’m glad to hear there’s some interest- I will be in the resin area at noon tomorrow. If you are interested in casting your own item, please bring something approximately the size of a quarter that can be smooshed into the silicone putty, similar to how you’d make an impression in clay. I will also bring sample items.


I am, depending on actual day/time.

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I absolutely wanna do this!

Dang it. I am teaching a class tomorrow but won’t be there on Sunday cause I’m leaving to go out of town, was hoping to get into resin! Will look for future classes!

I am in if it is outside of noon to 2 on Sat and 3-5 on Sun


Yes we would be interested!