Requesting a Welding Safety Course

I’m seeing MIG classes, but I’m not seeing the prerequisites for the safety course. Is anyone available to get something on the calendar, please? I know two people at least that would jump a ton the chance to take it!

Thank you in advance for your time!!


I’ll try to post when I teach a MIG class because I’ll be covering the safety at the same time as I cover the actual welding so there isn’t a scheduling problem.

I won’t be able to teach classes for a couple of weeks though as I’m pretty busy personally at the moment.


I was also interested. Will definitely keep an eye on the calendar.

Thanks, Malcolm! I’ll keep an eye on the calendar for the class posting. I look forward to hopefully learning from you soon!

I’m also very interested in taking the safety course! Want to take the MIG and TIG course but need this one first

You wont make it in time for this weekend unfortunately.

I’ll post 2 safety classes and a MIG class in April


Thanks for the update, @LukeStrickland!

Yes thank you @LukeStrickland!

I have created a Merged DMS Safety and TIG welding class on March 31st. It should be visible in 48 hours.

@Collin_Pike @missmorganalyse @tombakerftw @schundg @woody @yatdolfin @miranda @grime96 @JOwen @Nagyk @BarkingChicken


New member, just joined today and I’m trying to find out how I get registered for the welding classes tomorrow.

Does this mean I need to go to the safety course prior to how to class? @LukeStrickland @malcolmputer

Yep, to take either the TIG or the MIG classes tomorrow, you’d have to have had the DMS welding safety course first.

If you can wait until next weekend, you can take my TIG course which includes the safety part first, or wait until April when Luke will be teaching the safety course and a MIG course.


Has the metal shop committee ever discussed making the welding safety class an online class? It seems like the kind of thing that would benefit from it.

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Thanks for the heads up @malcolmputer. I am unable to make it on Saturday so I’ll keep my eyes open for your next TIG class.

Kind of gave up. Doesn’t seem to garner much support…

@malcolmputer thanks for the class yesterday. Appreciate you sharing your knowledge on welding (hat tip to Ray as well). Looking forward to improving my welding skills!


For anyone that took the TIG class, here’s the consumables for the Lincoln TIG torch if you wanted to buy your own.

Here is the big kit of all of the parts. I didn’t cover gas lens in the class, but if you see me around in the space I’d be happy to show you how they work as well.

The tungsten we were using was this kit:

and should work OK for welding aluminum, and be great for welding steel and stainless steel. It’s a little on the “small” size, so I wouldn’t use it for amperages above 150A, but since the machine is limited to 200A that should be fine.

@Collin_Pike @missmorganalyse @tombakerftw @schundg @woody @yatdolfin @miranda @grime96 @JOwen @Nagyk


Also interested in the welding safety class so I can take the mig and tig. Understand you do the safety class at the beginning of these two.

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I also want to take the welding safety class and TIG and MIG classes.

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