Reminder: March Ceramics Committee Meeting 3/2/21

Join us in person or virtually at
Or dial: (US) +1 727-502-6481
PIN: 708 802 187#

There seems to be confusion on where to find the dates for committee meetings. We want everyone to have access, and we post the date and time of our committee meetings in a variety of ways:

1) our area signage (see below)
2) here on the Wiki and
3) on the calendar


@trapper13 – the virtual info is at the top of this thread.

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Thank you has the meeting started

I thought I’d listen in, but I’ve been waiting to be “let in” to the google meeting for ten minutes now lol

Same it said my tome ran out

Hey potters…
Sorry that happened. Amanda had the computer up, and we were wondering why no calls or anything came through. Maybe she can figure out what happened. I will type up the notes tonight. We did not vote on anything if that helps.


Oh gosh ! I’m sorry. I’ve never used google meet… I set it up before hand and just left it. I didn’t know I had to let folks in.

Sorry :frowning: I’ll log in right at Time next month and wait for the notifications.

Ill try and be there in person next month no biggie

Haha well now we know! :smile:

I am 70% sure if everyone logs into their Dallas Makerspace G-suite accounts when using Google Meet, everyone is “trusted” and there’s no “waiting room treatment” (it’s been a while since I participated in one myself, or the % would be better on my sureness, or lack of posting).


You are correct Andrew. When they try to join under different credentials, a prompt will show up.

“Name so & so” (outside Makerspace) wishes to join the meeting. Allow or deny.

Something to that tune.


Oop I guess I need to figure that one out, I was using the same email I use for dms but I didn’t know a g-suite account was even a thing :joy:

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Crap! I forgot there was a meeting last night! :grimacing:

I sat in the corner, clutching a needle tool, and sobbed for about 5 minutes realizing that you were not going to show up to the meeting. April and Annette had to help me up and practice breathing exercises with me. :upside_down_face:
Jk. The meeting went well and was brief.



I think you’re overly attached to me in an unhealthy way. We should find you a therapist to work through these issues. It’s ok…we’ll all help you get through this. :brain: :memo: :face_with_monocle:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ceramics Committee Meeting 3-3-21 - Dallas Makerspace


I’m not sure if this is quite the right spot for it, but apropos the new shelf we’re putting up (happy to help assemble if more hands are needed btw) - hubby has a friend who might have more he’d be willing to donate if we want them!

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