Refractory! 3 Large Bags plus Quickcrete - Sold

I have three bags of refractory cement plus a bag of quickcrete I am selling for $35.

It is from an oven project that I never started.

Photos here

The refractory is of a couple of different kinds and I can’t recall why I chose the ones I did. I will say it was very hard to find. Looked all over Dallas and finally had to drive to an industrial suburb to purchase it.

One of the bags is a little beat up but it has been kept dry and appears ‘OK’ although it is about a year old.

I offer a warranty in that if it turns out to be bad I’ll refund your money. I think I paid around $170 for all of this.

I’ll look at my box of stuff for this project and see if there is anything else I can throw in.

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OK, you drive a hard bargain. I’ll throw in two of these killer, [type K thermocouples] with rugged steel jacketed leads (

See additional TC images - same location as above.