Red tip photinia -- good wood? Bad wood?

We’ve got a dead photinia we’ll be cutting down soon. Is this decent wood for turning? Or should I just let it go…

I’ve turned it before. It makes a pretty nice,white wood pen or wine bottle stopper. You can, of course, stain it, too. I’ve also used it to make rustic chairs in the past, but that was a long time ago. If you have a fireplace you can keep the bigger pieces to burn in the fireplace after they dry. You can also chip it and use it for mulch if you have a chipper or a friend with one.

It is fun to play with, but it isn’t that great a wood for most projects. IMHO

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Spalted Red Tip can be gorgeous. These are two lidded boxes I made a while back. They are about 4-5" across.

I’m always looking for it. I’ll take what ever you don;t want. If it is not already spalted, I will try to spalt it in my garden. It spalts fairly easily. Unspalted red tip is not that great.


I agree with the spalting being beautiful Every time I’ve cut one, even after leaving it dead and drying for a while, has not been spalted too much. Cool boxes!