Reasons to learn the Form2 resin printer

This post is directed towards those who are curious about the formlabs SLA printer (the sleek orange box on the table by the door), but aren’t sure if it’s worth the trouble. If this piques your interest, you can sign up to attend my 11PM class tonight! Click here to RSVP.

  • The resolution. Compared to FDM (like the Polyprinters use), the SLA printer uses a high-speed ultraviolet laser to insta-cure liquid resin. This naturally results in sharper definition. Additionally, the thickness of the polyprinter’s filament is generally 0.35-0.40MM, while the layer thickness of the SLA printer can get down to 25 microns (0.025MM-- at least 14 times finer than FDM!)

  • The versatility. While there are less color options for the Form2 printer (you can choose from Grey, White, Black, and Clear for basic resins), you have more materials to choose from. Most resin is fairly brittle, but the “Tough” resin will cure to be much stronger-- more suitable for machine parts. Flexible resin will cure to be roughly the same texture as a bicycle’s handlebar grips. If you’re into Jewelry / Small Metals at all, the castable resin will be of interest. It offers some of the highest resolution prints, and after curing, can be burned out of a mold for casting in metal with perfect fidelity. Some other possible resins which we do not carry include castable wax, ceramic (gets fired in a kiln after printing), body safe (can be used in dentistry for example)
    Example of castable resin:

  • The simplicity. Unlike Kisslicer, which is complicated and unintuitive, slicing your model in PreForm is extremely simple. Supports and orientation are able to be calculated automatically, while also providing the flexibility to manually adjust the supports with very little difficulty.

What do y’all think of that? I only need one more person to make my class tonight. If you’re interested in learning this, but another time would work better for you, please let me know when works better. Other classes are frequently offered in the daytime, and I’m available most evenings.

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