Reaming a wood lathe banjo

I have a Grizzly lathe and the banjo only accepts 25MM tool rests. I need to see if someone can ream it out to 1". All my other tool rests are 1".
I can pay but also not sure if there is a 1" reamer in the shop.
You can also reach me at [email protected]. I can’t turn till I get it done and looking for a used banjo is harder than I thought. Thanks.

Not sure on 1.0000" reamer, we probably have a 1.000" drill, unless there is a need for an extremely tight tolerance or wall finish, this should probably do, as yon are only removing about .016" of material.

If the part is round it can be done on the lathe with a boring bar.

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I took a pic and am waiting for it to come through.
Tolerance is not imperative. It is held in place by a set screw.
If you go to the wood shop and look at one of their lathes the part that slides
on in between the head and tail stock. Mine is like the one on the yellow lathe.
If you could secure it the drill press could work. When my pic comes you can
get a better idea.

Thank you, so much, for your prompt response.

Jeff Whitcomb
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW
[email protected]

To hold in the drill press, go over to the gray work bench near the Haas. You’ll see some Vee Blocks sitting on the top shelf. Get one of those to hold a round object steady in the vise. Just rotate 90 degrees from what’s shown. In fact, when up-right, easier to use two of them, one on each side they can rest on bottom of vise and will square it up for you.

Not sure where that size drill is, look around near lathe most likely.



Here is a picture of the banjo. If you dimensions let me know.
It is about 12" long and 2" wide.

Jeff Whitcomb
2100 Bowling Green
Denton, TX 76201
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW
[email protected]

Okay, just put in vise till square.

NOTE: REAMERS can only be used on Bridgeport/Haas as they need a collet.

Everybody: please do not put cutters/reamers in anything but a collet - not a drill chuck. Thanks


Great. I sent a pic of what it is. If I can find a 1" bit I think I can do it myself.
My drill press at home is too little. The Harbor Freight one I bought broke and
it was out of warranty so I threw it away. It was only used 6 times. I saved the
motor though to give to someone who could use it for something else.

Jeff Whitcomb
2100 Bowling Green
Denton, TX 76201
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW
[email protected]

The Clausing Drill Press in Machine Shop will git 'er done if we have a bit.

@BobKarnaugh or @TBJK do we have one that size in a drill? Or a Reamer?

Certainly not a reamer. I dont think we have a drill bit that size. I do have a few at home though.

We could use a 1.000" drill. we seem to have a number of requests for it. I believe we a chuck that will take one for the lathe. I’m not sure if the taper on the drill press matches the lathe, but it does take tapered drills that have the flat on the end.

Come to think of it, we may have a MT2 1" drill for the lathe that Walter donated.

What is drill press do you know?

Not sure at the moment. I can take a look tomorrow

Got it. If I can find a drill bit I will utilize it.
If I have to buy one I can do that also.
I haven’t used the Bridgeport. Used one about 22 years ago
when I took machinery in school but forgot a lot since then.

Jeff Whitcomb
2100 Bowling Green
Denton, TX 76201
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW
[email protected]

I will need to do it on the drill press or the Bridgeport.
It is 12" long by 2" by 4" high. I have attached an image.

Jeff Whitcomb
2100 Bowling Green
Denton, TX 76201
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW
[email protected]

The nearly 1" hole can be readily enlarged to exactly 1" on the Bridgeport using the boring bar, if the hardness of the steel is less than that of HHS, say about Rockwell 60. We have a set of hardness testing files on hard at the machine shop in the measuring tool cabinet. If if is hardened steel, then a boring cutter of even harder material, say, carbide will do the job. While the lathe has carbide boring inserts I do not believe that we currently have any such cutter for the Bridgeport.

I heard a rumor that the boring bar adjustable diameter holding tool had its set screw “glued” in and could no longer be adjusted. I haven’t checked up on this. if so, that is a nasty bit of vandalism. As I recall, the boring holder did have a habit of allowing the diameter to “drift” a bit during a cut; it is possible that some one thought that gluing down the set screw would solve that problem, albeit, only for that one cut.

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I just bought a 1" metal drill bit. What machine should I use?
It probably needs to be a little secured even though I am only taking off .016.
Also, is there a code to use the drill press?
thanks for everyone’s help here.

Just sent you a PM. I’m at the Space.

It’s a motorized spinning thing.
You put stuff underneath, stick a shaft up the middle and let it spin till you get what you want.
Is that a good description?

Jeff Whitcomb
2100 Bowling Green
Denton, TX 76201
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW
[email protected]

Get the sucker as straight as you can and drill it out.

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