Real Heavy Metal (Enjoy)

This just makes me smile at the new useless facts I now have in my head. :grin:


My first guess on which youtuber would have that much mercury on hand and demo it was exactly right, though I’m not used to him storing it in plastic.

He is somewhere out West. His family land has mercury deposits.

Every time he does this I think of heavy metal poisoning or him making his family lands a toxic waste site.


I think much of it is actually waste from a neighbors former gold and silver mine, but some is from their land as well. I think I recently heard that his mercury levels were tested at his last physical and showed no signs of elevated levels. With proper precautions the stuff isn’t that hazardous. The largest danger is leaving it for a long time in an occupied space without enough ventilation, or ingesting it. It is also all metallic mercury, and no organic mercury salts. Many of us still have significant amounts of mercury somewhat permanently installed in our mouths.

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