I have an application in which I want to control a bunch of relays using an RPi. I have some MCP23017 boards on order, and some SainSmart 16 channel relay boards. RPi → i2c → MCP23017s → relay boards.
The fun bit - I want a web interface to these relays via any browser on the same LAN.
NO CLOUD BASED SOLUTIONS. Internet connectivity where I want to use this is spotty at best.
Given those constraints, anyone know of a project or framework that implements or simplifies such a thing ?
I see Cayenne IoT, but I think it’s cloud based. Looks great otherwise.
Target is a game show rig for a scifi convention. LEDs at each participant, plus a big screen display of same info ( via web browser rather than LEDs. )
I am a new member and have some experience in this area. - have 20 RPi running and many sensors, switches … in my house. Use an RPI with 16 relays for my sprinkler system with local access. if you like send me an email or call