Raspberry Pi GPIO web interface

I have an application in which I want to control a bunch of relays using an RPi. I have some MCP23017 boards on order, and some SainSmart 16 channel relay boards. RPi → i2c → MCP23017s → relay boards.

The fun bit - I want a web interface to these relays via any browser on the same LAN.

NO CLOUD BASED SOLUTIONS. Internet connectivity where I want to use this is spotty at best.

Given those constraints, anyone know of a project or framework that implements or simplifies such a thing ?

I see Cayenne IoT, but I think it’s cloud based. Looks great otherwise.

Info appreciated.




With the relay

Fraid I need to be able to customize the UI.

RPi is not optional.

Thanks though.

Sounds similar to this neophyte.
Sorry if it’s not applicable… curious what you’re wanting to do.

Target is a game show rig for a scifi convention. LEDs at each participant, plus a big screen display of same info ( via web browser rather than LEDs. )

I’ll take a look.


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Is WebIOPi still active ? I saw at least one post indicating it was abandoned.

I know nothing of it, but clicking the download link leads to software updated in 2015, so it may well be abandonware these days…

Berryio has more recent commits, but still looks like crickets…

Found another fork that looks more recently active.

Will dig into it a bit.

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I am a new member and have some experience in this area. - have 20 RPi running and many sensors, switches … in my house. Use an RPI with 16 relays for my sprinkler system with local access. if you like send me an email or call

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