Raku Glaze event Friday eve (12/06/2019)

Everyone that is registered for the Raku event this Saturday, we are meeting Friday eve to glaze. Johnny is suppose to get something on the calendar for Friday eve.

Please bring at least 1 raku glaze to share, and brushes. Some of us will be heading over after work so bringing snacks and drinks to share would be great. Message Johnny B for the time.

@Team_CeramicsFire , Please keep an eye out for items with notes so our participating makers have their item to on time to glaze. We appreciate your assistance with this.


Thank you
Anita Willis


Both Steve and I still have pieces that will need to be fired for this DMS event. His are still drying. By Tuesday or Wednesday they should be fully dried. Just a heads up.

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Put them in the oven at 100 -150 for a bit.


What kind of kiln is it?

Time 8-10 pm, I will probe there sooner and leave earlier

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Event scheduled 8-10 Friday we can meet earlier tho. Beth usually has an early class Friday didn’t check before I copied it.

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@Team_CeramicsFire we will need to put the pieces in by Wednesday early afternoon to get them done for Friday. Once they are all up on the shelf let us know.

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That would be great Monika. @JBluJkt please make sure the participants know all items must be dry and in the shelf Wed.

@Monikat what a good target cut time on Wed for you?

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1:00pm on Wednesday would be a great time for me. I’ll come in to load the kiln and fire the bisque. This should also ensure that your pieces are cool enough to handle by your evening class.


Thank you!
Looks like my owl already came out.

Raku, it’s basically an oil drum with a burner at the bottom. When it’s hot enough you lift it off and drop the pieces in garbage cans full of flammable stuff and put the lid on. It creates an oxygen reduction that gives you crazy colors in the glaze. Stuff comes out looking like this:


Has to be a drum that the past contest won’t harm you or blow up when you add propane gas.

I was wondering if it was a legit one or homemade. We have a raku kiln at work but she’s a persnickety witch so if DMS was firing one I was going to come take notes on getting her to behave

Shots from the last event.


I believe one is bought from Trinity and one is homemade. I’ll check with Connor and see if I can get some details

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Connor made both kilns. One is a drum the other is wire fencing.

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A couple pictures of mine and April’s pieces. We probably didn’t get our can closed tight enough right away and the metallic effect with the glaze went into overdrive! Still we were very happy with the pieces. We had a lot of fun with it and recommend anyone interested in Raku try it out next time a class opens up.


Beautiful! Can’t wait to try it :grinning:

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