Radio Shack is Back!

Radio Shack is back as an online retailer of electronics, just in time for the Holidays. It is offering some parts in its inventory that largely consists of radios, batteries, telephone gear, drones, computer accessories, and even cameras. The iconic company was recently purchased from General Wireless by Retail Ecommerce Ventures (REV). No plans are in place to reopen RadioShack-owned stores, although some 400 brick-and-mortar outlets are operated by franchisees.


Monkey Wards is back as well. My MIL bought Xmas stuff and shipped it to our house.


Will COVID bring back Service Merchandise as well?


I really miss the Sears Christmas catalog.


Will they use blink tags and pop-ups to try to sell me a cell phone?

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It’s not the same company. Just the name. The rights were bought by Retail ECommerce Ventures (REV). They’ve bought up several retail store brands that have gone under.


Also Circuit City. I’d love to know what they paid for Radio Shack, they just bought Stein Mart for $6M. I feel like you can kind of tell what demographic they’re going after with their front page being batteries, cordless phones, and FM radios.


Has anyone noticed the recent internet ads from Bell and Howell. I had not heard from them in a long time.


Another zombie brand that’s been resurrected. I’ve seen their dumb Tac Light ads for years - because yet another 3xAAA zoomie LED flashlight has been anything new since, oh, 2009.


Maybe NOW I can get parts for my 8mm projector and camera circa late 1950s. Not really. But that’s the last Bell and Howell anything I owned.


This was mentioned in another forum:

Interesting that there is only one store in the entire Metroplex and it is just a section in a hobby shop.

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Maybe trying the Toys R Us approach. Saw one recently where it was pretty much just the regular toy section that Macy’s has always had but rebranded as Toys R Us. Strangest thing.

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I have not been to the East Dallas HobbyTown USA store since they moved from Walnut Hill and US-75 to Mockingbird.

Some HobbyTown USA stores used to have an electronics and microcontroller section. It went away in some. The East Dallas store may have replaced it with Radio Shack.