I’m a member at the Makersmiths, Inc. makerspace here in Northern Virginia. During COVID-19 era, we somehow made a transition to on-boarding a new member virtually. Now we have kind of a debate going on as to how best on-board a new member. Some like the convenience of doing things like initial sign-up, waiver signing, new member orientation presentations (a slide deck) and setting up access (via emailed invitation to an August lock group). Some want to move to perform some or all of the above ‘things’ in-person, during a group gathering. The thought is the new member is joining a community and in-person is the way to go.
If this sounds sorta like the debate over ‘return-to-office’ policies, well, yeah, it’s kinda like that!
A couple of us are reaching out to other makerspaces and would like to ask a few questions. They are:
What is the on-boarding process like here at Dallas Makerspace?
How would you characterize the interaction process prior to a person becoming a member? Virtual? In-person? Mix of both?
What, if any, sort of vetting or engagement is done with a candidate prior to them starting the on-boarding process?
Thank you for your consideration of a response!
Best Regards,
Mark R. Millsap
Founding Member, Past President Makersmiths, Inc.
571-233-1558 cell
I think that most of the late-night crew has been holding off, waiting for someone more official to answer this.
It’s rather randomly both in-person and virtual. Some folks sign up online. Some come to our Saturday tours, and either sign up then, or later. Either way, they do need to show up in person to sign a waiver (DMS is dangerous and it’s on you if you get hurt) and get their keycard or keyfob. There’s a lot of stuff online that we just kind of expect new members to read – rules and such. Sporadically, we’ll have New Member Orientation classes/meetings. We don’t pre-vet folks. We banish folks that significantly break the rules.
Anyone that enters the building is expected to sign a waiver, but it’s an online waiver, so you only have to do that once. And, you have to have a signed waiver in the system before it lets you activate a keycard/fob.
[edit] We do try to have social events now and then to help folks feel connected. Plus, the different areas are governed by committees, and any member can be a member of the committee just by showing up to the monthly meetings.