Proposed DMS COVID-19 policy

Is this really a serious question?

Why do you question if it is serious or not? Is there data backing up a 48 hour rule from a known slight fever? Is it based on CDC guidelines or is it arbitrary? Where did it come from? Just sounding like common sense isn’t enough.

Well, if a super villain dropped you into a huge frozen margarita and you couldn’t get out, that might be bad.

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First, thank you to the BoD for taking on this difficult decision, and thank you for listening to feedback from the members. Just like everything else, you can’t please all the people all the time.

I’ve noticed signs changing in retail stores. They used to say everyone must be masked, but the new ones say that if you are fully vaccinated (both doses, two weeks out), then you are exempt from the rule. Is this something we can add? I expect it will be on the honor system, and some people will lie about it, that’s just human nature. Most people won’t be comfortable asking to see a vaccination card. Most people who’ve had the vaccine will tell you which one they had without prompting, it’s just part of the public conversation now.

Also, if you are immunocompromised by chemo or something else or have a family member who is, it is still safer to stay at home, unfortunately.

Keep it simple:

  • Isolate if you are sick and do not visit the space if you are anyone you live with feels unwell.

  • Do not come to the space if you are anyone you live with has been tested for COVID-19 or another illness and do not have results back yet.

  • If you are not fully vaccinated, wear a face covering while in the space and stay at least 6 feet apart from people you do not live with.

  • If you wish to wear a face cover for any reason feel free to do so.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.

So far this is working for the approximately 1 MM folks I write policy for…

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BTW absolutely no reason to be concerned about touch issues if you wash your hands. Time to move on.


Make mandates are going away. Businesses enforcing them are doing so without the backing of even a local public health order, thus I expect the signage to come down. In my informal survey of southeast Denton County, they’ll soon not be missed by a majority of the population.

The vaccine card is just that - a paper card. I suspect that at least one enterprising soul has located (or simply reproduced) the source file and printed their own on cardstock and filled it out convincingly. Sure, someone could attempt to look up the dates and dose numbers, but I don’t think the infrastructure exists for that.


I agree about the cards being easy to fake. Personally, I’m looking forward to not wearing a mask. Even so, I do worry about people who have compromised immune systems. I pray the vaccine will work for them.

The funny part about that scenario is the competition is pretty stiff. You can get a real card for free and the free option comes with a real vaccine!


JHC people, just get the vaccine already!

I got a whopper dose of Pfizer almost 9 months ago, and I haven’t grown a tail, and my internal organs haven’t melted yet, despite all the crazy BS circulating on the web.

I can’t give the same endorsement for SHINGRIX (shingles vaccine). I got that one last week, and my arm hurt for days! That one is a MFer.


I’ll just be requiring masks, and I don’t care if y’all have been vaccinated or not. The way I’ve read various bits about masks, and being vaccinated, everybody should be wearing a mask on behalf of the community. Vaccinated people can still catch and spread Covid. If you’re vaccinated, then you’ve got a tremendously better chance of surviving should you catch it, but you can still be a transmission vector.

I may take a poll per class, but everybody will have to agree that they don’t want masks.

Re: Medical conditions. I’m currently the ticket seller at the Terramythica** Castle at Scarborough. We’re an indoor space with some really small spaces, so we’re mask-required. So far I’ve had 2 people try to tell me that they had a medical condition that kept them from wearing a mask. Neither one bothered to explain. No word of what their “medical” condition was. While my opinion is that any true medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask probably means that they should stay home and not mingle, I haven’t managed to get that far into the conversation. 4 weekends – 2 MC’s. And, no, they didn’t get in.

** Yeah – that’s totally made up.


I’m fine with more lax rules (and really it’s hard to even enforce masks at DMS) I do like keeping the mask on because I haven’t had a sinus infection or bad allergies for over a year, it’s been amazing. That and MDF dust is the worst part of using the woodshop CNC.


Good. Don’t let ‘em if the policy is wear masks. First, they’re probably lying. Second, you don’t have to offer an accommodation. Tell them the accommodation is to stay outside.


We have known for years that the SARS virus is not (for practical purposes) transmissible by direct contact. The CDC has since revised their statements on the necessity to wipe down surfaces. Wiping down tools and surfaces wastes resources. I believe that the responsibility lies in the individual to protect him/herself. Get the vaccine, live and let live. If others choose not to get the vaccine and go mask-less, don’t worry about it. We don’t scold speeders, text and drivers, jaywalkers etc. Let’s not be Karens. (The vast majority are not.)

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My employer is not requiring the vaccine, which is weird since we’re in the Healthcare field. But they are offering a carrot for getting the vaccine - a non-insignificant amount of cash paid out on a pay date of our choosing in 2021 (Christmas fund, yo).

Anyway, rather than worrying about “can we require the vaccine,” could DMS incentivize the membership to get vaccinated by offering something of value? Proof of vaccination could be provided in confidence to a BOD member or somesuch. One free month of membership at their current rate? A certain amount of credit to be applied to course fees? Active Directory access to a particular “vaxxed only” club room? Credit towards snacks?

The value couldn’t be so high as to motivate counterfeiting the vaccine cards. But enough to make someone on the fence decide to get the jab.


Also, is the requirement to check our temperature going to be permanent? Individuals shed a lot virus when they are running a fever and that includes influenza. Influenza kills a significant number of people every year.
The warning about coming to DMS with a fever is a bit condescending. Someone who is determined to come is not going to change his behavior because of that statement. It’s ultimately why we need to be responsible for ourselves. We can protect ourselves from inconsiderate people. Some people are inconsiderate and we just have to embrace that fact and go on with life.

We’re coming out of the pandemic in a great position financially compared to many businesses but our membership numbers have dropped significantly and we have an expansion to complete. We can’t really offer a financial incentive to get vaccinated in my opinion but I have been thinking that a special t-shirt for people who have been vaccinated might be fun. We’d need to figure out any sales tax issues with that and come up with a design but I am willing to work on it if there’s interest.


I do want to commend you for not including a statement on vaccines. People shouldn’t ask others (they don’t know well) whether they’ve had the vaccine. It’s really a private matter. My 2 cents.

So I don’t understand the logic of us not wearing masks but visitors on a tour having to wear them. Is there some magical bug that attacks visitors? Just testing rule following as a basis to see if visitors can follow rules seems pretty childish to me. Lets not have extra sets of rules simply for rules’ sake. Just sayin’


People can’t really stay away from each other on tour is I believe the reason.