Proposed DMS COVID-19 policy

Back in January, maybe February, I told my wife that I needed to look into getting onto the waitlist as soon as I could. This really surprised her, as I haven’t had a flu shot in probably 20 years, and she was very much in the hesitancy group. But she has a prior autoimmune disease, and a currently active autoimmune disease, and is on immunosuppressive drugs. So she was very concerned about how her body might respond to the vaccine.

But I pointed out that we had already seen the places I get take out move from curbside, back to more traditional indoor carry out, and that at some point, we were going to see mask fatigue and a general step down of precautions. And that at some point, I will eventually wind up back in the office. And I wanted to do my part in not being the vector that brought COVID home to find out how bad she did with it and her current condition. I pointed out that at the rate they were vaccinating then, we probably had months to consider if we wanted to go forward, and see what data came out on the vaccine for those with autoimmune diseases or immunosuppressive drugs. So she signed us both up on the list to find that by medical conditions, we were both group 1B. And we came to the top of the list faster than I expected. At least I had seen some preliminary data showing no concerns for those in either of those groups, and I convinced her, that while the data was limited (and still lacking long term data obviously) that it really looked like the risks of complications if either of us eventually caught COVID were far worse than the risks of getting the vaccine.

I will say, that first time I picked up take out, after the state mask order was lifted, I was very thankful I already had the first dose, and I was still uncomfortable with the roughly 50% mask wearing I saw that day. Thankfully, for the most part, I have seen far more mask compliance since, but have still been thankful for having both doses for things like flying to Wisconsin for a wedding, a large wedding reception with not a mask to be seen, and amateur radio club meetings, where the last two months, we have met in person, with not a mask to be seen, though we are holding hybrid meetings, with about half the attendance remote via zoom. And I’m finally back at the gym, with only a few masks to be seen.

My point is, that if you have hesitancy about the vaccine, the world outside is going to continue moving forward. These step downs in mask wearing are going to continue. Today, only half the people in the convenience store I stopped at were wearing masks. At some point, hopefully before you get COVID, you may find yourself wishing you already had taken the vaccine. If you are in that hesitancy group, I encourage you to set up a telemedicine appointment with your doctor and talk about what specific concerns you have with your medical history and see what they think, given the current studies.

Are there cases that suggest the vaccine isn’t perfectly safe? Possibly, but the issues are so rare that they are safer than drinking water or eating dinner. And based on the limited data sets for vaccines or COVID, it looks like the vaccine is at least 1,000 times safer than waiting to see if you get COVID, or what complications come up on your spin of the wheel.

And, the news ticker I saw while on the treadmill at the gym today suggests that the variant that has been tearing up India, is now loose in north Texas.

So please, if you are one of the hesitant group, please consider your options carefully.


I don’t think it does, cause member will know the rule is hey I don’t have to wear a mask where as new fresh members will see when they sign up for a tour if we put it in bold all new visitors must wear mask to be able to participate in a guided tour then theyll know. We’ll know, if they join then they’ll know they don’t have to

Well the vaccine doesnt guarantee you’ll never get covid but what it does do I almost guarantee you won’t go to the hospital or die from it, you’ll be very highly protected against it but if you do get it itll be more like having a flu and no major complications will cause harm! So everyone should get vaccinated, I have been for a little while now, and if not doing to for the overwhelming scientific reasoning to, do it just for knowing once you get it it feels like such a huge weight off your shoulders, that 1000lbs weight of fear and anxiety and stress of this new pandemic world just start to lift and you can start to imagine Normalcy again in the near future! Get vaxxed!!!


Vaccine cards won’t be required as a DMS policy but teachers can choose to require vaccine cards. It would be helpful if teachers make it clear that is their requirement and not a DMS requirement or policy.


See that’s where it’ll start getting way to confusing, it’s has to be an on or off thing it can be a dimmer switch it has to be a regular old light switch or it’ll just be a rats nets of understanding

It’s really not that difficult. It can go in the class description with other important things like closed toed shoes. If someone forgets or doesn’t read, the teacher can remind them and offer a disposable mask. No one is going to be punished for forgetting and putting on a mask when asked. Disciplinary action is likely if someone chooses to ignore the request to mask, refuses to leave and/or gets belligerent with a teacher about it though.


I actually like the idea that anyone taking the tour has to wear a mask, it could be a good filter for people who can’t follow basic rules. :rofl:


78 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussion from Proposed DMS COVID-19 policy

Simple Mask Rules To Live By:

If you want to wear a mask. Wear one. Do your best to stay six feet away from people not wearing masks. Do not glare/roll eyes/make comments under your breathe at people not wearing them. Just assume anyone glaring at you has resting bitch face and think to yourself bless their heart and move on with your life.

If you do not feel you need to wear a mask don’t, do your best to stay six feet away from people who are wearing them. You never know their level of immunocompromised. Do not glare/roll eyes/make comments under your breathe at people wearing them. Just assume anyone glaring at you has resting bitch face and think to yourself bless their heart and move on with your life.

Do not ask people why they are or are not wearing masks it is none of your business.

Do not ask people if they are vaccinated or not it is none of your business.

Mind your own business. At this point in the pandemic you are not going to sway anyones opinion with your personal views, scientific prowess, or explanations of how wearing a mask is just training to wear the mark of the AntiChrist (This may or may not be BillGates) who will rise to power any day now (Yeah I have family members who fervently believe this) because NO ONE ELSE CARES!!! (Well except all the people who agree with you. :wink: )

If an instructor asks you to wear a mask for their class show gratitude for the fact they are volunteering their time and expertise possibly for free and wear one. You’re going to have a better class if the instructor feels safe and comfortable. If you have a medical reason for not wearing a mask explain it and see if you can come to a compromise. If you simply cannot abide to wear a mask accept that is your choice and choices have consequences, so you may have to wait for another teacher to teach that class.



Here are my thoughts on this policy.

I agree with #1 and #2 but where does #3 come from and is it defendable? Also, It doesn’t say anything about cleaning everything one touches. Is that policy going away? The CDC says surfaces are not a big issue as I understand things so cleaning everything one touches seems excessive. One should wash hands before touching your face after using tools.

I would suggest masks be no longer required for members who have been fully vaccinated. But for those members who could but don’t get vaccinated, they should still wear masks. The CDC still recommends mask for the unvaccinated.

Again, the choice to not distance should apply to fully vaccinated members. Those not vaccinated should be required continue to distance from others.

Some might say DMS cannot enforce the distinction between those vaccinated and not. Or that it is somehow unfair to make a distinction. I think it is important for DMS to take a stand that vaccinations are a good and necessary thing in a global pandemic and while people are free to not take them, making that choice should not be entirely free of consequences.


People who have not been vaccinated should continue to wear masks but there’s no way to enforce that. It’s difficult enough to enforce the mask policy when everyone is required to wear a mask.


Nothing in the proposal [anything above] prevents this.

I don’t think you’ve thought completely through how this might actually be “enforced”.

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Sure, it’s on an honor system. I’m not proposing the board enforce it but the system should be if you don’t wear a mask, it would be assumed you were fully vaccinated. If you are not, you are violating the rules and potentially harming other DMS members and you could be disciplined if it comes out. For example, if such a member gets sick it could be asked if they obeyed the policy or not. If not, they could be disciplined.

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I’m saying in that case masks should be required, not optional.

Why don’t we just exchange the ice machine for the kind that doesn’t require a scoop?


a margarita machine


Great…now we have to endure 20+ finger-wagging, virtue-signaling posts detailing why that is a bad idea.

Also, where are we going to get the ice for this?

Wait, I thought this whole thread was an elaborate joke. Sorry folks, carry on.


There are no reasons a frozen margarita is bad. NONE!