Project Storage Returns!

Good afternoon! As many have asked, I am happy to announce that…


Starting Sunday April 10 at 5pm project storage will be reopening in the South Warehouse area. This will be the area adjacent to the woodshop and general workshop/Auto area. It will be reopening one section as a time as we get things prepared.

Storage slots will last 14 days. There will be a 7 day grace period to remove items once your normal storage period has ended. Extensions will be granted on a cases by case basis. To receive an extension you will need to email [email protected]. One of the big changes is there will be no more 30 day purgatory for items that exceed the grace period. These items will go directly to the dumpster. The reason for this change is to keep volunteer effort to a minimum and make this as smooth as possible. Logistics volunteers will be periodically manage storage as they have available time. This may mean that you may receive a bit of extra time based on volunteer availability. A full list of storage policies will be posted soon and updated on and the wiki for posterity.

Important Notes

Storage slots = 14 days
Grace period = 7 days
No pugratory, all remaining items will go to the DUMPSTER!
Email [email protected] for possible extensions.


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