Project Idea help

Maker Space this Saturday! …I’m still kinda new and not sure of any easy projects to make…Any ideas? I am also going to try and get my certification for 3d printing this Saturday any websites to help print easier?

Overall Category:3D Fabrication - Dallas Makerspace is a good resource. is also a great site but Thanks to @axeonos I’ve learned about (the google of 3d models).

I’ve been working on the Project Helpline board which will have the release demo on the calendar. But most of the time one can visit for project ideas or lookup in make magazine. There is also for tutorials.

I’ll let @Team_3D_Fab chime in here since they’re more experienced and the space’s 3d fab setup is a lot simpler than a usual makerbot setup else where.

We have our 3D printer basics class on you can look over. is a good resource and there are other sites for 3D printable files. is a good way to get started modeling your own files for 3D printing.

I tend to teach a lot of project jewelry classes if you want to try
making jewelry, On Sun I have a drop in class for earring and I will be teaching
the use of the disc cutter and the dapping block

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Thank you! What time is that on sunday?

It from 3 to 6, It is a drop in when you can class, and leave when you
want to, please register for it, I won t take attendence ntil it is over

It should be fun

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Print out a planetary gear. It is a variant of a fidget spinner.

AND one of the coolest things you can 3D print. You cannot fabricate one exactly like it without 3D printing. The ones I like have 5 outside gears and one center gear. If you hold the center gear, the 5 outside gears will rotate. There are variants with less and more gears.

You can find many variants on Thingiverse.

I would also find the smallest interesting one to print first. Bigger means longer print cycles and more filament, ie expense.

Warning, this is a “gateway” print job.

Best of luck. Enjoy.


Diplomat - that “center” gear is called the “Sun” gear …hence the name planetary


Always one more thing to learn.


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Never too old to learn !

There are not enough lifetimes to learn everything