There will be PR meetings on the next 2 Thursdays.
This coming Thursday because we have not had one in March. (My bad.) We need to talk about a MASSIVE membership drive to support the new annex. (If things proceed as planned.) We need to talk about what the new tour map looks like and try to avoid having tours take 2 hours. (Yikes!)
The one on April 5th to have a PR Chair election for the next 6 month cycle. We also need to choose the winning T-shirt design. The shirt design contest is through March 31st. All submissions need to be in EPS format. Currently, there are 3-4 submissions. Think about the new possible space. There are some fun design concepts.
Yes, we will need more Tour Guides. Yes, we will continue Thursday night tours. Should we add a temporary Saturday or Sunday tour slot for a few months?
Maker Fair coming up in a couple months. And more…