Possible Solution for Chris who wanted a replacement gauge for an old device

So someone named Chris (assumed spelling, and I don’t know your @ so I hope you see this!) asked about 3D printing a clear gauge cover. One possible solution I thought up would be to 3D print the piece, make it as smooth as necessary, then make a silicone rubber mold of the piece, then cast it using an appropriate resin. However, the easier solution is probably what someone else suggested: 3D printing the part that clips into place and attaching that to a clear plastic cut to shape.

P.S. If you happen to see this, I would in fact like those spare Wii top covers for the gamecube ports you offered me yesterday, because the filament I bought is very uncooperative.

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Sorry, I didn’t see the OP either. I’m assuming it is an old round piece of glass. Glass committee has both saws and grinders. I think it would be faster to cut some glass roughly round (or substitute an acrylic), then finish rounding it on the grinder.